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Submit your request for an appointment below.


Let's connect for a quick 15-minute consultation to answer any questions you may have before moving forward with any offerings or events that catch your interest. This online video call is a chance for us to chat about your needs and figure out the best next steps together.

spiritual divination

Explore the wisdom shared by ancestral spirits regarding your life and receive personalized guidance on any intentual® spiritual work necessary for clearing, cleansing, and elevation. This session is available either in-person or via online video call, with an offering of $60.

intentual® healing session

Unlock the transformative energy of ancestral and divine spirits in a personalized session designed just for you. Customized to address your intentions and requirements, these in-person sessions offer a range of healing modalities such as energy work, sound vibration, water cleansing, and more. Prior to booking, the completion of a Spiritual Divination is required. The offering is $60.

intentual® living sessions

Begin a 3-month journey of heart-centered conversations and spirit-guided wisdom. Engage in two 45-minute online video calls each month, where you'll receive intuitive insights and 'sweet-fire' truths. Prior to starting these sessions, the completion of a Spiritual Divination is required. The offering for this journey is $160.

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